Robocup Rescue - Creating a Self Calibrating Robot
Robocup Rescue - A Self Calibrating Line Following Robot
Why do these programming talk-throughs?
These programming talk-throughs are for (young) engineers who want to be as competitive as they can be in the RoboCup Rescue competition.
We assume you already know how to build and program a RoboCup Rescue robot, and want to improve the robot's accuracy under different competition conditions by adding 'data driven calibration'
A feature of the RoboCup Rescue robot is that it's light sensors must be calibrated to the conditions on day of the competition then the rescue program recompiled. A robot programmed with 'data driven calibration' can be re-calibrated every time it competes leading to more accurate line following.
The RoboCup Rescue competition is discussed here.
The source code we develop in these talk-throughs is here.