Build Instructions - Index

Robots for Robocup Junior Australia's "Riley Rover Rescue" (EV3)

Riley Rover Rescue is a division of the Robocup Junior Australia competition. Details can be found here.

Once you have built the base CE Race Bot v00 for "Riley Rover Rescue", you can add an additional colour sensors, add an ultrasonic sensor or upgrade the robot by adding an omni wheel. These changes can be done in any order and are independent of each other (for example, you could add an ultrasonic sensor without adding a second light sensor).

Build instructions by Evan Bailey.

Start here....
This base robot can be built using parts from the Lego EV3 Education Base kit
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Robots for Robocup Junior Australia's "Primary Rescue" (NXT)

Build instructions by Peter.

Start here...
Simple single sensor robot built using only the parts that come in the NXT Educational kit.
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Materials  |  Build

Materials  |  Build

Materials  |  Build

Materials  |  Build

Robots for Robocup Junior Australia's "Primary Rescue" (EV3)

Build instructions by Peter .

Club Engineer Race Bot - EV3 - Primary Rescue with Light Sensor Bogie
These are not detailed build instructions, but some photos of a past student's work

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